Code Formatting in Visual Studio Code — The Essential Python Snippet

Code Formatting in Visual Studio Code — The Essential Python Snippet

Photo by Samir Bouaked on Unsplash

In your VSCode project root folder, find the **settings.json** file. If you’re working within a virtual environment, this will automatically appear in your project.

Make sure you have the **python.pythonPath argument** set correctly first.

Now, install black and isort packages via pip:

pip install black isort

Finally, append this snippet to the json:

"python.formatting.provider": "black",

"editor.formatOnSave" : true,

"python.formatting.blackArgs": [



"python.sortImports.args": [



"[python]": {

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {

"source.organizeImports": true



And that’s it! Now, you can simply go ahead and continue working normally, when you save a python file, black will auto restructure your file.

Cool, isn’t it? 😎

In case you want to just run formatting over all the files in a big project folder, just run:

black folder_name/

and it will find all .py files within the folder recursively and format them!

I hope this was helpful, see you in the next one! :)

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