3 Tips On Getting Better At Learning New Technologies

3 Tips On Getting Better At Learning New Technologies

and not getting stuck in the tutorial hell!

Photo by [beasty .](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1633305476447/Pu0_YPlLg.html) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com?utm_source=medium&utm_medium=referral)Photo by beasty . on Unsplash

What exactly is this “tutorial hell”?

The multitude of online resources that you encounter each and every day in your quest to learn new technologies is called tutorial hell.

You try to stick to a tutorial, but then the other one seems more fancy. You give that one a try and then a new one by an instructor you love pops up in your feed.

Then comes the phase when you begin to blindly copy everything that your instructor does. You don’t write anything yourself, and the moment you type it along is the moment you forget about it.

This carries on and on until all your time is spent not doing the thing that you wanted to do in the first place, which was — Building your project!

What is the strategy that I recommend to never go down that rabbit hole?

That hard truth is — you need tutorials. That’s not going to change at all.

But you need to be judicious with your time as well!

So my first tip is: Pick your tutorials carefully!

You want to get one big course from a good instructor and start learning from it, than get five different courses from a great instructor. Sometimes, your time needs you to be strict with it.

Start learning the concepts and the basics as you go along. This is the way I recommend starting.

Next tip: Start building your own project!

You can’t learn everything from a course. You need to implement them yourself. I can’t stress this enough.

Think about what you’re gonna do different from the tutorial project you’re watching get built by the instructor. Try doing things in your style, adding new features, etc. Anything to stimulate your creativity!

Once you start enjoying the process, learning becomes fun!

My third and final tip: Leverage the power of the internet!

This is the most important part of your learning process.

Getting stuck is good — you won’t learn without coming across a problem in your code! So you need to start getting good at googling and searching for solutions on the web.

Learning the solution won’t get you anywhere. You need to see and try to do it yourself. Learning and re-learning is part of the job description, so keep at it!

Thanks for reading :)

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